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Karl Unnasch

Game Master


5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 2 reviews)
Very good0%

Immerse yourself in one of his sagas!

May 13, 2024

A master story teller! Karl has the gift of being able to transport you in to his world through imaginative descriptive story telling, well conceived and original roleplaying. Focused on the story, less on mechanics (knowing the mechanics yourself makes the story so much more enjoyable for all), Karl will create an interactive world you can developed your character in. The adventures and campaigns are well thought out, and his years of GM’ing experience will allow you to play the game the way you want. I Love gaming with this master!

Jeff, not the pest

One of the best!

May 9, 2024

Nat 20! One of the best GMs out there. Karl is very passionate, creative and quick-witted. Game sessions are always fun, fair and interesting. Karl cares about his players having a good time, and I have seen him tweak sessions to match the players’ style. I’ve played 5E and Deadlands with him. Heck, I even played HeroQuest with him and it turned into an impromptu role-playing session…so fun!
