Ship of The Damned

October 20, 2024 12:30 pm

About the Game

Session Length: 2.5 -
3.5 hours

Thanks for your interest in our One-Shot event at Voodoo Brewing in Virginia Beach!

Doors open at noon, game start at 12:30pm
10% food and drink discount for all participants!

Join us in a thrilling 5E One Shot where 6 mighty 6th level heroes set sail for glory and gold!

You are adventurers starting to make a name for yourself, you’ve defeated foes and rumors of your exploits landed in
the ears of some powerful people. One of them, a black lizardfolk by the name of Dunburu has asked you to take care
of a problem for him and his sailor’s guild. His ships keep being attacked in the misty fog that reigns supreme over the
sea. He’s lost too many lives and his business is on the brink of collapse. You’re his only hope.
After gleaning information, Dunburu learned that another ship is responsible for the assaults, filled with undying
soldiers, this massive frigate cannot be assaulted by traditional means. So you’ve all been loaded on a small boat,
in the hopes of infiltrating the ship and destroying it from the inside. You’ve rowed quietly to the latest known point of
anchor of the ship, where it indeed is located. Duty calls.

Limited to 6 players! First come, first served.

Sign up now and secure your spot in “The Ship of the Damned.” Will you survive its perils or will you spend the rest of eternity as part of an undead crew?

About the Game Master

Disabled Veteran (Navy)

I started playing TTRPG’s around 25 years ago with some weird homebrew thing then got “enlightened” to DnD 3.0 and progressed through 3.5, 4E, Pathfinder 1.0, and 5E.  There’s been some dabbling in GURPS, Masquerade and Starwars, but I like 5e the most.  I believe Rules As Written (RAW) were playtested enough by experts that they should be used and only deviate a little so one homebrew character doesn’t overshadow others.  I do take liberties as the DM, but it’s usually for player benefit.  I’m not dictating a movie.  We are collectively telling a story and hopefully making a memory.
DnD Feats:
I was part of a campaign that had lasted for over 13 years.
Around college age I ran a game for about 24 hours with a break for about 6 while we slept.
I won a pre-release copy of R.A. Salvatore’s Timeless A Drizzt Novel by creating and submitting the backstory of a level 1 character.