Are you worthy? A Keys of the Golden Vault Adventure

Next Session: September 13, 2024 6:00 pm

About the Game

Session Length: 3 -
3.5 hours

Have you always wanted to be a part of something bigger than you are? Have you ever wanted to be a part of a greater good? Have you wanted to be a spy, thief or a master of disguise? Create plans to complete great heists in order to help others or keep things from bad people. The Keys to the Golden Vault is exactly what you are looking for. This will be an adventure full of intrigue, mystery and treasure. 


An organization named the Golden Vault is rumored to be associated with the metallic dragons from the Outer Planes. A mysterious group that prides itself on secrecy and the ability to accomplish things no one else can. There is a rumor they are looking for new members and you are hoping you have caught their eye. 


This will be an adventure starting with Level 1 characters. Session 0 will be you and the rest of the players creating their characters. Carefully building characters that will cover a wide range of abilities just like characters in the movies Mission Impossible or Now You See Me. 


Questions to think about:

Why does my character want to be a part of the Golden Vault?

What skills do I want my character to have to be a part of a team?

What has your character done to gain the Golden Vaults interest?

About the Game Master

Shawn is a masterful storyteller and world-creator. He puts passion into his games and seamlessly weaves your character into the story. When you play in one of his campaigns, you will be drawn in, enthralled, and entertained.

If you are looking for a place to stretch your imagination, have a dynamic storyline, make new friends and memories, or just de-stress after a long workday…Shawn’s games are the perfect place for you!

Shawn holds in high regard the fact that his games are a safe space for members of the LGBTQ community. It is crucial that all gamers (and gaymers!) have a place to play that is free from fear.