Adventurer’s Wanted: Search, Rescue, and Destroy

September 22, 2024 10:30 am

About the Game

Session Length: 2.5 -
2.5 hours

*Note: This session will take place at a convention. Players are responsible for purchasing admission to BurgQuest separately. Players cannot take part in this session without purchasing admission to the convention in addition to reserving a seat via Rogue Game Masters.*

All players who purchase a seat at this table will receive a complimentary full set of TTRPG dice, a players journal to take notes in, and an unforgettable D&D experience! 

This One-Shot Adventure will include a massive terrain full of handpainted Dwarven Forge material, incredibly made miniatures of various creatures, monsters, and humanoids too! It will also feature high quality music and sound effects from Monument Studios to create a unique and unparalleled level of immersion at the table!


“Welcome traveler, to the ‘Hard Rock City!’ A proud settlement built around a quarry over a mile deep into the planet’s surface with more mines than there are stars left in the sky! Just a couple weeks ago, a mine shaft near the bottom of the quarry was cleared for processing when a bone-chilling shriek echoed throughout for the whole city to hear! Over a dozen workers were trapped and all rescue attempts have claimed more lives or left the survivors in a frenzied state, unable to recover whatever horrors they witnessed. So we need you and anyone else brave enough to venture into the hallowed darkness of that cursed mine shaft and stop whatever evil is hiding within before it decides to crawl out of the quarry!”

In this One-Shot, you will be playing a level 5 character, either of your own choosing or select from a list of pre-made characters the day of the session. Your character will be provided with a number of supplies prior to entering the mine shaft but it will be up to you and your party to navigate its corridors, overcome the obstacles, and face off against any enemies within!


A few things to note please when considering to be a player at this table:

  • Fun and unforgettable memories are consistently my goals as your Game Master! This is meant to be a safe place and time for laughter and creativity as we all explore this story together!
  • Players may bring any personal TTRPG accessories such as dice, pen/paper, laptop/tablet but it is not necessary to bring anything along to participate, all items necessary to play will be provided if you do not have it with you. Additionally, all players at this session will receive a 7 piece set of dice and a players journal that you will get to take home at no additional cost!
  • This is a home-brew setting I have been working on for years and it is always growing from collaboration and inspiration, so let’s roll the dice and adventure into the next chapter together!

Humbly and respectfully,

– Charlie

About the Game Master

Smoke chokes the air as another raging fistful of fire is hurled in your direction. Your natural and dexterous instinct to dive allows you to avoid most of the flames. As you steady yourself, moving at half your usual pace, you now lock eyes with the villainous wizard. You see the kings blood still dripping from his wicked smile, and in the shadow of your swords blade you see fear consume his confidence as he realizes you have him beat;

Tell me friend, How Do You Want To Do This?


Welcome Adventurer!

As your humble Game Master it is my honor and privilege to welcome you and guide you through the various exciting worlds we will be visiting from week to week! Everyone is welcome to have a seat for the journey so long as you work as a team and respect each others space. The most important objectives to remember while traveling are to have fun, laugh, and embrace the “Rule of Cool!”

So hold on to your dice and get ready to dive in!