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Game Systems Dungeons & Dragons 5e


Game Master

Greetings, Adventures!

I am owllessur, aka Russell. I have been a Game Master for over 10 years and have experience running games with a variety of systems in a myriad of genres for all skill levels.

Game Systems: Call of Cthulhu, Cities without Number, D&D 5e, Errant, Flames of Freedom, GURPS, Mork Borg, Old School Essentials, Pathfinder 2e, Stars without Number, Worlds without Number & Zweihander.

Game Settings: Cyberpunk, dark fantasy, high fantasy, historical western, horror, low fantasy, sci-fi, space opera, space western, steampunk, and sword & sorcery.

GM Beliefs: 

  • The table facilitates a cooperative storytelling experience for my players. Player choice matters and has a real and lasting impact on the game world.
  • The rules are foundations more than fences and should be used to enhance the experience, not deter it.
  • Creativity should be rewarded not punished. The most direct route may not always be the best.
  • Role-playing is more than is embodying a character...getting under their skin and into their shoes.
  • Combat is not the only answer to challenges but it is a fun one. It should be dangerous, cinematic, and memorable.


5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 13 reviews)
Very good0%

A Gentleman and a Scholar!

May 1, 2024

Russel, AKA Owllessur, AKA the Man, the Myth, and the Legend!

Russell is a fantastic person so it is only natural that he makes for a fantastic player at the table and a phenomenal Game Master! I had the honor of Russel sitting at one of my tables for a game and he was so personable and wonderful with all the other players! We also had a player who was quite new to the game and he was a really solid and helpful resource for them! Russel is a phenomenal GM and incredibly knowledgeable with TTRPG mechanics and lore! When you sit down at one of his games you know you are in the best of hands!

Charlie - Nat 20

Russel Rocks!

February 20, 2024

Really enjoyed playing a one shot with Russel! Creativity wins the day in his highly textured, multi-faceted style. Combat is fast and fun and the story is the star of the game!

Amy Tea

Made us forget the cold!

February 10, 2024

I love D&D and have been introducing my “Little” from Big Brother/Big Sister to the game. But, it was always just he and I and I wanted a chance us to play side by side in an adventure, and owllessur definitely delivered.

This even was at the Cova Brewery, in their tent, and on a very cold day… But, his ability to tell the story and keep everyone engaged was fantastic and we almost forgot the cold as we fell into this one-shot.

We had a great time, and as my Little got more comfortable in the game, thanks in large part to this DM’s efforts, he got really into it and even got to be the one who made the killing blow against the big bad in the story.

We had a fantastic time and I’d certainly recommend owlessur to be your Dungeon/Game Master!

Thanks man.

Raoul Sheridan

Had a great time

February 10, 2024

I did a game with him and some others in a very cold tent area and it was worth it was differently worth it.

Jonathan shelton

Wonderful storytelling!

January 27, 2024

In the realm of Dungeons and Dragons, where storytelling reigns supreme, our Game Master stands as a paragon of narrative brilliance. With a tapestry of wonder and intrigue, they weave a storyline that enraptures the imagination and beckons us into realms unknown.

Each session unfolds with a delicate balance of combat and roleplaying, where every encounter becomes a stage for our characters to shine. From epic battles against formidable foes to heartfelt conversations that test our convictions, the journey is as diverse as it is compelling.

Nathaniel Hill